Our Project

The NonUnoMeno Project

Our bar and bistrot has pursued project NonUnoMeno with much pride and passion. It was simply a beautiful idea which is based on socially introducing different abilities in Finale Ligure, focussing on understanding disability in a new way.

You won't be able to find a hint of discrimination at our bistrot, but rather a perfect embodiment of celebrating and cherishing diversity.

We believe that working in our bar could be a driving force to see individuals with special needs actively included in an experimental project for habilitation, rehabilitation, and socio-occupational help.

This is an experimental project acting on behalf of different abilities whose main objective is social inclusion. This is done through sheltered rehabilitation/ habilitation workshops, socio-occupational insertion and with school and training centre networking projects.

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It's not just a bar...

We like to think of ourselves as a socially open space. NonUnoMeno is a bar, a tavern, and a bistrot, but above all, it is somewhere that diversity can be appreciated rather than ostricised or ignored. We are simply pushing our social insertion project forward to people with disabilities in Finale Ligure with all our might and passion needed to recruit staff and attract customers to a new social concept which doesn't include any kind of prejudice.

Along with all the usual activities that take place in a bar or pub, our project is an experience and a new way to have an apéritif, dinner or even just a coffee made by Sasha, Andrea, Chiara and Serena. At NonUnoMeno Bistrot ai Chiostri, you will again find the beauty in authenticity and the importance of the little things as well as everything that the ordinary world takes for granted and sees as being normal .

  • poster from our inclusive bar

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  • inclusive bar logo

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  • inclusive project poster

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Nonunomeno - LOGO

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